BigCB Catalog Detail: "Environmental and biotic factors affecting the occurrence of the native bunchgrass Nassella pulchra in California grasslands"
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DatasetID 252
Name Environmental and biotic factors affecting the occurrence of the native bunchgrass Nassella pulchra in California grasslands
Description California bunchgrass communities are one of the most endangered ecosystem types in the United States. In this study, we sought to determine long-term (52+ years) changes in populations of native bunchgrasses, Nassella pulchra (A. Hitchc.) Barkworth and Nassella cernua (Stebb. & Love) Barkworth, in unmanaged stands. At the landscape scale, Nassella has increased. However, population dynamics of individual stands appeared related to land-use history. Non-native annuals, by themselves, did not seem to cause decline of Nassella stands, but light grazing did cause reduction of Nassella basal cover. Areas that were historically cultivated supported Nassella stands with lower basal cover and size distributions qualitatively different from areas that were never cultivated. Mortality of Nassella was concentrated in small plants. Interspecific interference probably was important in limiting seedling recruitment in stands with low Nassella basal cover, and intraspecific interference appeared to become important as Nassella basal cover increased. Even in the presence of non-native annuals, Nassella stands in areas that have not been disturbed by cultivation do not appear to require management for maintenance. New individuals are recruiting into populations, and conservative a estimate of longevity of large individuals of Nassella is 100 years. However, in areas that have been cultivated, active management may be required to increase the abundance of Nassella.
Physical Location
Publisher/Owner Jason G Hamilton, Ithaca College,, (607) 274-1439
Publication Date
Permissions Undetermined
Source Mark Stromberg NRS file
Contact Mark Stromberg
Type Biological Survey - Observational
Subject Plant
Geo. Extent Hastings Reserve
NRS Registry? yes
Format Undetermined
Timespan Start 1944
Timespan End 1996
Total Items
Databased Items 0   (as of 2012-08-28)
Comments Hamilton, J. G., J. R. Griffin, and M. R. Stromberg. 2002. Long-Term population dynamics of native Nassella bunchgrasses in unmanaged stands in central California. Madrono 49:274-284.

PRINT copy can be found at Biosciences Library, QK1 .M28
Entered By Jessica Rothery
Last Updated 2012-08-28 15:50:08

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