BigCB Catalog Detail: "The Behavioral Ecology and Mating System of Wild Turkeys"
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DatasetID 270
Name The Behavioral Ecology and Mating System of Wild Turkeys
Description I am investigating the social and genetic mating system of a free-ranging population of Wild Turkeys at the Hastings Natural History Reservation in Carmel Valley, California. My primary focus is to understand why male turkeys appear to cooperate during the breeding season. Some males are part of coalitions of two to four individuals that display jointly to females and defend those females against other males. A previous study (Watts and Stokes 1971, Sci Am 224(6): 112-118) suggested that these males were brothers, and that kin selection could explain this apparently altruistic behavior. This hypothesis has yet to be tested. I am using modern molecular techniques (microsatellite DNA analysis) as well as a more comprehensive theoretical framework for studying cooperative behavior (reproductive skew theory) to understand why subordinate males in these groups apparently give up their own reproductive opportunities to help another male. My study will also use microsatellite DNA analyses to determine who the father and mother are for offspring in the population. This information will help determine how many males are reproducing, whether females are fertilized by more than one male, and how common it is for females to lay eggs in other females nests.
Physical Location Doctoral Thesis
Publisher/Owner Alan Krakauer
Publication Date
Permissions Undetermined
Source Mark Stromberg NRS file
Contact Alan Krakauer
Type Biological Survey - Observational
Subject Animal
Geo. Extent Hastings Reserve
NRS Registry? yes
Format Undetermined
Timespan Start 1999
Timespan End 2005
Total Items
Databased Items 0   (as of 2015-10-09)
Comments There is a ProQuest link for the dissertation, but it is behind a pay wall.

Entered By Sarah Hinman
Last Updated 2015-12-27 13:19:57

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