BigCB Catalog Detail: "Long term studies to gauge effects of invading bees"
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DatasetID 351
Name Long term studies to gauge effects of invading bees
Description The expected invasion of the
United States by Africanized honey
bees has inspired long-term stud-
ies documenting the ecological im-
portance of native and introduced
bees. Baseline data are being gath-
ered to predict the effects of the in-
vasion. Standardized sampling pro-
cedures and tools have been
developed to monitor bee commu-
nities. The studies will provide in-
formation for developing wildland
area conservation policies.
Physical Location
Publisher/Owner Thorp R, Frankie G, Barthell J, Gordon D, Newstrom L, Griswold T, Schmidt J, Thoenes S
Publication Date 1992-02-00
Permissions Undetermined
Type Species List
Subject Animal
Geo. Extent Hastings Reserve
NRS Registry? unknown
Format Undetermined
Timespan Start
Timespan End
Total Items 1
Databased Items 1   (as of 2013-07-26)
Entered By Tammy Dong
Last Updated 2013-08-06 14:32:11

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