BigCB Catalog Detail: "NO DATA: Pitfall Trap Collections of Invertebrates from Angelo Coast Range Reserve"
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DatasetID 36
Name NO DATA: Pitfall Trap Collections of Invertebrates from Angelo Coast Range Reserve
Description Numerical database of biweekly and monthly counts of insects captured in 216 pitfall traps placed around grassy river banks, temporary wetlands and dry upland meadows. The database represents a total of 18 collection sites within the Angelo Coast Range Reserve, 12 traps were placed at each site. Along river banks and surrounding wetlands, the pitfall traps were placed at distances of 0, 2.5, 5 and 10 meters from the water's edge.

Research Title: The spatio-temporal impacts of invasive grasses on spiders and their herbivore prey in California's grasslands.
Physical Location
Publisher/Owner Angelo Reserve; Kirsten Hill
Publication Date
Permissions Undetermined
Contact Angelo Reserve Headquarters
Type Biological Survey - Observational
Subject Animal
Geo. Extent Angelo Reserve
NRS Registry? unknown
Format Excel
Timespan Start 2009
Timespan End 2010
Total Items 5,000
Databased Items 0   (as of 2012-06-12)
Comments (Ginger, 6/12/2012): Took a wild guess on num items - previously was "1". Need more info about number of items and physical location of data.
Entered By Jessica Rothery
Last Updated 2013-09-04 11:10:45

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