BigCB Catalog Detail: "ECO DATA: Bullfrog (Rana Catesbeiana) Invasion of a California River: The Role of Larval Competition"
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DatasetID 360
Name ECO DATA: Bullfrog (Rana Catesbeiana) Invasion of a California River: The Role of Larval Competition
Description Study on impact of bullfrogs on native frogs.

To document the spatial distribution of native and
invading frogs along the invasion front I conducted censuses along 9.3 km of river. From 1991 to 1995, I censused second-year bullfrog tadpoles along permanent 1 m wide cross-river transects (n = 6 downstream bullfrog sites, and n = 5 upstream non-bullfrog sites)(Fig. 1). I also censused eggmasses of R. boylii from 1992 to 1996. In the upstream reach, I searched 3.25 km in 1992, 4.9 km in 1993, and 5.3 km in subsequent years. In the downstream reach I searched 2 km in 1992 and 4 km in each of the subsequent years of the study.
R. boylii congregated at the same breeding sites each spring to breed. Breeding sites were located in the margins of wide shallow channel reaches and ranged in size from 2 X 10 m to 5 X 70 m, were separated from other breeding sites by up to several hundred meters, and contained a range of 2 to 60 clutches per site. Because each female laid one discrete clutch of eggs, these counts indicate reproductive female population sizes.
Physical Location
Publisher/Owner Ecological Society of America; SARAH J. KUPFERBERG
Publication Date
Permissions Undetermined
Type Species List
Subject Animal
Geo. Extent Angelo Reserve
NRS Registry? yes
Format Undetermined
Timespan Start 1991
Timespan End 1996
Total Items 3
Databased Items   (as of 2013-07-30)
Entered By Tammy Dong
Last Updated 2013-09-05 10:35:24

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