BigCB Catalog Detail: "Visitation of evening primrose by carpenter bees: evidence of a "mixed" pollination syndrome."
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DatasetID 50
Name Visitation of evening primrose by carpenter bees: evidence of a "mixed" pollination syndrome.
Description Abstract:
Evening primrose, Oenothera elata, is generally considered a hawkmoth-pollinated plant species that exhibits several characteristics of a moth pollination syndrome. We re-examined its reproductive biology by testing the hypothesis that a twilight-foraging carpenter bee, Xylocopa tabaniformis orpifex, can serve as its pollinator. In our study population, pollen was deposited by carpenter bees on 56% of all the flower stigmas that were monitored during evening periods and at least 70% of those monitored during successive evening and morning periods; flowers that only carpenter bees were allowed to visit produced healthy seed pods about 3 weeks later. Given the effectiveness of X. tabaniformis as a pollinator and its overlap in range with Oenothera elata, we believe a mixed pollination syndrome that includes both bees and moths is a more appropriate characterization of the pollination biology of this plant species.
Paper includes:
-tables with the number of bee visitors including Xylocopa tabaniformis observed at Oenothera elata flowers.
-a distribution map of both X.tabaniformis orpifex and Oenothera elata in W. North America.
Physical Location online
Publisher/Owner J.F. Barthell and J.M.H. Knops
Publication Date
Permissions Undetermined
Type Publication
Subject Ecology
Geo. Extent Hastings Reserve
NRS Registry? unknown
Format PDF
Timespan Start 1997
Timespan End 1997
Total Items 1
Databased Items 0   (as of 2012-06-25)
Entered By Jessica Rothery
Last Updated 2012-07-09 12:27:42

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